As a writer named Mike struggles to shepherd his semi-autobiographical sitcom into development, his vision is slowly eroded by a domineering network executive named Lenny who favors trashy reality programming. The irony, of course, is that every crass suggestion Lenny makes improves the show's response from test audiences and brings the show a step closer to getting on the air.
This satire settles for simply restating the obvious.
– Jeff Strickler,
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
5 May 2007
A facile but likable send-up of how things (don't) work in Hollywood.
– Eleanor Ringel Gillespie,
Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
10 May 2007
The appalling sausage factory that produces what we see on network TV is nicely skewered in The TV Set, an engaging if not exactly edgy comedy that exists to restate the obvious.
– Roger Moore,
Orlando Sentinel,
10 May 2007
Honestly, isn't it a little late to be bemoaning sleazy reality TV?
– Connie Ogle,
Miami Herald,
13 Jul 2007
The TV Set is a little wonder of a movie, as smart and sad and true as any comedy I've seen this year.