A romantic comedy centered on Dexter and Emma, who first meet during their graduation in 1988 and proceed to keep in touch regularly. The film follows what they do on July 15 annually, usually doing something together.
Miscasting aside, there's simply very little excitement to the film since you can see where it's going -- chances are even just by reading this review -- right from the start.
– Tom Long,
Detroit News,
19 Aug 2011
The result is a rom-com with ambition, keen to actually develop the characters and to mix a few tears with the laughs. Well, the effort is admirable, the movie not so much.
– Rick Groen,
Globe and Mail,
19 Aug 2011
It's what a Nicholas Sparks movie would be if it were aimed at grown women rather than teenage girls.
– Eric D. Snider,
19 Aug 2011
One Day is just a gimmicky "new" way of doing an old-fashioned love story. But we'll hear much more of Sturgess, Hathaway, and Lone Scherfig.
– David Thomson,
The New Republic,
23 Aug 2011
The film might make the book look less astute and interesting than it is, but it still has an undeniable emotional wallop by its close.