This adult comedy follows six characters, three men and three women from a cross-section of social groups, as they play sexual power games. When an affair fires up between 2 of the married characters, it sparks a chain of consequences for all of them, including one of the wives falling for another woman!
It's refreshing to see a movie like this -- something that's edgy and entertaining, and doesn't try to appeal to 'the masses.'
– James Berardinelli,
1 Jan 2000
With LaBute, you get a filmmaker who cuts to the timeless heart of sexual warfare.
– Peter Travers,
Rolling Stone,
11 May 2001
It is superbly executed and, for all its pitilessness, it's an intelligent dramatization of the impact that consumerist values have had on the psyche of the North American middle class at the end of the 20th century.
– John Haslett Cuff,
Globe and Mail,
25 Apr 2003
This honorable follow-up to LaBute's stunning debut, In the Company of Men, which also dissects sexual politics, is well acted by the entire ensemble.