As humanity picks up the pieces, following the conclusion of "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," Autobots and Decepticons have all but vanished from the face of the planet. However, a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control - all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his cross-hairs.
You're either awestruck, dumbstruck or just plain struck in the face.
– Joshua Rothkopf,
Time Out,
30 Jun 2014
Inflated, interminable and incoherent ...
– Andrew O'Hehir,,
30 Jun 2014
In the end, though, this is still a movie about giant robots fighting each other, which is to say it's nearly impossible to take seriously on a narrative level.
– Ben Sachs,
Chicago Reader,
6 Jul 2014
It barely matters whether this movie is good or bad. Bay is now the sort of filmmaker -- the only one, perhaps -- whose moviemaking goes beyond such binary banality.
– Wesley Morris,
6 Jul 2014
The few authentic inspirations to be found in the movie's hundred and sixty-five roiling minutes involve gigantic science-fiction contrivances.