In the heart of Styria the Karnstein Family, even after their mortal deaths, rise from their tombs spreading evil in the countryside in their lust for fresh blood. Baron Hartog whose family are all victims of Karnstein vampirism, opens their graves and drives a stake through their diabolical hearts. One grave he cannot locate is that of the legendary beautiful Mircalla Karnstein. Years of peace follow that grisly night until Mircalla reappears to avenge her family's decimation and satisfy her desire for blood.
This eroticized vampire tale resulted from the last significant surge of creative energy at Britian's Hammer Films, which thereafter descended into abject self-parody.
– Dave Kehr,
Chicago Reader,
1 Jan 2000
Fairly flat dialog doesn't provide much of the unconscious humor that usually gives a lift to this type of entertainment.