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The Red One: Triumph
The Red One: Triumph
Andrei, nicknamed Red, is a young drug dealer, trawling hotel corridors, selling little bags of hits to hookers and businessmen alike. Shrewd and tough, he has seen more than his fair share of life. But he has a problem - a rival gang, the Abreks, have moved into his territory and are forcing prices down. Andrei is a loner, attached to no one, but he is smart. He knows a member of a rival gang, Peaky, who runs with the X-Rays. Andrei manages to get them some "rods" - guns - and concocts his plan to run the Abreks out of his area.
The Red One: Triumph
Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible
In the first part, the students complain that classic works of literature have no bearing on modern life - and find themselves in a situation strangely resembling something they've read... It's Gogol's "Inspector General" - but set in a summer camp... In the second part, after reading Don Quixote, the ever-adventurous Vasechkin convinc...
The Red One: Triumph
Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, Both Usual and Unbelieveable
The first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.
The Red One: Triumph
God's Smile
A determined student from Chicago is forced to fulfill the last wish of his ailing grandfather. He has to travel to Odessa, Ukraine, and bring back his grandfather's cat.
The Red One: Triumph
The Drayman and the King
Фильм-мюзикл по мотивам произведений Исаака Бабеля "Закат" и "Одесские рассказы". Молдаванка - легендарный район дореволюционной Одессы, суматошно-беззаботный мир, до краев полный по - южному яркой жизнь. Здесь обитает пестрый неунывающий люд, а также гордость Молдаванки - обаятельный бандит Беня Крик по прозвищу Король, сын биндюжника...
The Red One: Triumph
Time of Darkness
In Middle-Age Russia, a christian preacher arrives, proposing a new order. He threatens those who take part in a pagan festival with the flames of hell. But when strange crimes start to happen, local leaders decide to investigate.




80 min
Release date:
10 Sep 2000
1 nomination.
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