A stark portrayal of life among a group of heroin addicts who hang out in Needle Park in New York City. Played against this setting is a low-key love story between Bobby, a young addict and small-time hustler, and Helen, a homeless girl who finds in her relationship with Bobby the stability she craves.
A gruelling but highly responsible film about the influence of heroin on a New York street romance.
– ,
Time Out,
24 Jun 2006
It is not filled with quick cutting or gimmicky editing, but Jerry Schatzberg's direction is so confident that we cover the ground effortlessly.
– Roger Ebert,
Chicago Sun-Times,
9 Apr 2005
The movie's well-fed, camera-loving cast and general air of self-satisfied slumming reveal Panic for what it is: the kind of drug movie a pair of Malibu intellectuals and a fashion photographer would cook up.