Angela Bennett is a freelance software engineer who lives in a world of computer technology. When a cyber friend asks Bennett to debug a new game, she inadvertently becomes involved in a conspiracy that will soon turn her life upside down and make her the target of an assassination.
The story is standard issue pepped up with a sampling of smart computer talk to give the impression the characters know what they're talking about.
– Hal Hinson,
Washington Post,
1 Jan 2000
A strong enough suspense thriller, a high-tech version of one of those spiraling nightmares in which an innocent person is chased by assassins and wanted by the police.
– Mick LaSalle,
San Francisco Chronicle,
18 Jun 2002
The Net is never quite as sleek and chilling as it might have been, but it gives the old story of a wrongly accused innocent a nerve-wracking 90's twist.
– Caryn James,
New York Times,
30 Aug 2004
Riddled with more coincidences and implausibilities than Hitchcock permitted himself in his entire career, The Net still gets by as a reasonably suspenseful, very au courant thriller.