Chronicling the troubled existence of Duncan Mudge, a 14-year-old misfit who—while vying for the attention of his vacant father—struggles to fill the void brought on by his mother's sudden death.
A little picture -- the names of the entire cast would fit on half a sheet of paper -- but it's more heartfelt than movies with 50 times the budget.
– Ruthe Stein,
San Francisco Chronicle,
4 Jun 2004
Because the camera so closely follows Duncan -- there's scarcely a scene he's off-frame; his awkwardness is bold and unapologetic -- he sticks close to our sympathies.
– Robert K. Elder,
Chicago Tribune,
24 Jun 2004
The Mudge Boy is odd and intense, very well acted, and impossible to dismiss.
– Roger Ebert,
Chicago Sun-Times,
25 Jun 2004
Like a sturdy, well-observed short story, its narrative pieces put together with a plain elegance.
– Steve Murray,
Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
1 Jul 2004
Condescending tone ... contrivance ... and cliche.