Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow “runners” for a shot at escape.
Having not read the book, I was hoping for a more satisfying payoff than the one I got. Then again, maybe the filmmakers are saving the answers for the sequel.
– Chris Nashawaty,
Entertainment Weekly,
19 Sep 2014
Is the true enemy this all-testosterone Lord of the Flies clan? Nah, faulting your fellow kids is so 1950s. For the millennials, adults gotta be to blame
– Amy Nicholson,
L.A. Weekly,
19 Sep 2014
I think I have a touch of apocalepsy -- excessive sleepiness caused by prolonged exposure to three- and four-part series in which adolescents rebel against oppressive governments represented by esteemed actors.
– Wesley Morris,
24 Sep 2014
It's all familiar territory, but it's realized with flair.
– Bruce Diones,
New Yorker,
6 Oct 2014
Teenagers are getting it in the neck again, in the latest dystopian Young Adult literary sensation to get the Hollywood treatment.