The Chumscrubber is a dark comedy about the lives of people who live in upper-class suburbia. It all begins when Dean Stiffle finds the body of his friend, Troy. He doesn't bother telling any of the adults because he knows they won't care. Everyone in town is too self consumed to worry about anything else than themselves. And everybody is on some form of drug just to get through their days.
There are some very good performances and some strong writing.
– Richard Roeper,
Ebert & Roeper,
8 Aug 2005
An appallingly clumsy and stupid take on drugs, kidnapping and suicide in suburbia.
– Peter Travers,
Rolling Stone,
9 Sep 2005
The story of the film: Studio money chasing after the cult-film audience and getting all the superficial elements right while missing the spirit entirely. It's the cinematic equivalent of Candlebox.
– Keith Phipps,
AV Club,
26 Sep 2005
An impassioned and occasionally mesmerizing first effort that's at once messier, more complex and more ambitious than many recent suburban dystopias.
– Carina Chocano,
Los Angeles Times,
10 Nov 2005
Much like its characters: decorative, entertaining and emotionally empty.