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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
Action, Adventure, TV Movie, War - 1999
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
September, 1916. As Corporal Henri Defense, young Indiana Jones has become a motorcycle courier stationed near the trenches at Verdun. His friend Remy is still in the trenches, and both grow more disillusioned about the war each day. Chosen to sneak into enemy territory on account of his gift for languages, Indy overhears German officers speaking of the imminent arrival of their most powerful artillery guns, nicknamed Big Bertha. A month later Indy and Remy are granted leave to Paris, where Indiana meets the exotic dancer Mata Hari at a dinner party. He falls for her immediately, but soon finds out she is dating other men as well, including the French Minister of War.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure
When Professor Henry Jones Sr. is invited to give lectures all over the world in May 1908, he takes along his wife and son, and invites his former tutor Miss Helen Seymour to teach Henry Jr. during the trip. Their first stop is Cairo, Egypt. When Junior, who prefers to be called 'Indy' and Miss Seymour visit the pyramids, they are invi...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Passion for Life
On safari in British East Africa in September 1910, ten year old Indiana Jones befriends a Massai boy named Meto who helps him in his search for the little seen Fringe-Eared Oryx for former US President Teddy Roosevelt. From there on he and his family and tutor travel to Paris, France where Indy meets a young Norman Rockwell and gets i...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Perils of Cupid
Henry Jones Sr. takes his wife, son and the boy's tutor to the world's first psycho-analytical conference in Viena, Austria in November 1908. Young Indy meets Princess Sophie of Austia, daughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and develops deep feelings for her. He even asks Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler for love advice. On the...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Travels with Father
The globe trotting trip that Henry Jones, Jr. sets out on in the early 1900s next takes him and his family to Russia. A few acts of clumsiness puts Indy at odds with his father who is greatly displeased with Indy. Indy runs away into the Russian countryside and wakes in the morning on a haystack. He encounters an odd, cantankerous old ...
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Journey of Radiance
January, 1910. The Jones family attends a meeting of the Theosophy movement in Benares, India. There young Indy befriends a young boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti who is presented by the society to be the next world teacher and possible messiah. Traveling on to China in March, mother Jones takes Miss Seymour and Indy on a sightseeing trip ...




90 min
Release date:
31 Oct 1999
English, Russian
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