Dawn is an active member of her high-school chastity club but, when she meets Tobey, nature takes its course, and the pair answer the call. They suddenly learn she is a living example of the vagina dentata myth, when the encounter takes a grisly turn.
Given how thoroughly all the subtext spells out the message, then, it seems unnecessary to make the actual text so raw, grotesque and graphic. Granted, a horror movie about vagina dentata was probably never destined to be tasteful, but Lichtenstein's comp
– Jessica Reaves,
Chicago Tribune,
27 Mar 2008
Given how thoroughly all the subtext spells out the message, then, it seems unnecessary to make the actual text so raw, grotesque and graphic.
– Tasha Robinson,
Chicago Tribune,
27 Mar 2008
Whether you view it as a primordial image from the collective unconscious or a practical warning against promiscuity, vagina dentata makes an indubitably memorable impression -- and an ideal premise for a tongue-in-cheek teen horror movie.
– Jim Emerson,
Chicago Sun-Times,
28 Mar 2008
I'm not sure I've ever seen rape, incest or abuse dealt with so vapidly.
– Dave Calhoun,
Time Out,
17 Nov 2011
As amateurishly made as it is, Teeth runs on a kind of angry distrust toward boys.