After receiving a package from his grandfather, Ray, a young inventor who lives in England during the mid-19th century, finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly conflict related to a revolutionary advance in steam power.
Steamboy, ultimately, shares deep-seated themes with the futuristic Akira. Both offer cautionary tales about scientific responsibility and the evils of war. And both look pretty cool, too.
– Steven Rea,
Philadelphia Inquirer,
25 Mar 2005
Until it careers into cacophony ... it's a lot of fun.
– Jeff Shannon,
Seattle Times,
1 Apr 2005
The movie never transcended its elaborate production work to achieve an independent reality. It's simply pictures of what never happened.
– Stephen Hunter,
Washington Post,
20 May 2005
Its problem is not a lack of things to look at. There's plenty of them, and they're all cool. It's just that, in this world of clanking, hissing machines, even the people seem like robots.