The ups and downs in the lives and careers of a group of ambitious young actresses and show girls from disparate backgrounds brought together in a theatrical hostel. Centres particularly on the conflict and growing friendship between Terry Randall, a rich girl confident in her talent and ability to make it to the top on the stage, and Jean Maitland, a world weary and cynical trouper who has taken the hard knocks of the ruthless and over-populated world of the Broadway apprentice.
Nominated for 4 Oscars. Another 2 wins & 1 nomination.
Top Critics Reviews
One of the great sassy-women comedy-dramas of the '30s.
– Geoff Andrew,
Time Out,
24 Jun 2006
It is funny in spots, emotionally effective occasionally, and generally brisk and entertaining.
– Variety Staff,
26 Mar 2009
While it sometimes lapses into pure corn, it nevertheless manages to capture the manic-depressive dormitory atmosphere of young actresses trying to make it in New York.