In an overpopulated futuristic Earth, a New York police detective finds himself marked for murder by government agents when he gets too close to a bizarre state secret involving the origins of a revolutionary and needed new foodstuff.
The somewhat plausible and proximate horrors in the story of Soylent Green carry the production over its awkward spots to the status of a good futuristic exploitation film.
– ,
5 Jun 2007
Their 21st-century New York occasionally is frightening but it is rarely convincingly real.
– A.H. Weiler,
New York Times,
9 May 2005
Good, solid stuff, assembled efficiently enough to be pretty persuasive.
– Geoff Andrew,
Time Out,
9 Feb 2006
Uneven and slightly muddled futuristic horror story -- not really science fiction, more like an antipollution PSA gone berserk.