If Snowden's story wasn't real, Stone would have made it up. So why does Stone's movie feel so toothless?
– Adam Graham,
Detroit News,
16 Sep 2016
Stone is so intent on making Snowden an icon that he scrubs him of his nuances, his individuality.
– David Edelstein,
New York Magazine/Vulture,
16 Sep 2016
It's a fawning piece of work.
– Peter Rainer,
Christian Science Monitor,
16 Sep 2016
As Snowden, Gordon-Levitt is so muted, so cloistered, that it can be easy to miss that it's a very good performance.
– Tom Shone,
22 Sep 2016
Stone's flashy filmmaking, including grand set pieces in enormous secret facilities, can't conceal his flat, thin, psychology-free depiction of a modest and self-sacrificing hero who single-handedly changed the politics of our time.