Phantom is an action thriller that unfolds across various countries around the world. The plot revolves around protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to seek justice takes him from India to Europe, America and the volatile Middle East. However, he finds out that in a mission like this, there is always a price to pay, in this case, a very personal price.
This film keeps reaching for cleverness but comes up with a fistful of cliches.
– Michael Rechtshaffen,
Los Angeles Times,
18 Jun 2015
A dark, satisfying work that can be forgiven for the moments it succumbs to Hollywood convention.
– Helen T. Verongos,
New York Times,
19 Jun 2015
None of it is convincing in the least, although the actors do as much as they can. "Phantom Halo" ends up feeling like a mash-up of two many other mediocre films.
– Tom Long,
Detroit News,
19 Jun 2015
Messy and confused, the film is a mishmash of tropes from Shakespeare, heist movies, family melodrama, and romance novels hastily thrown together.