The story of the rape of Nanking, one of the most tragic events in history. In 1937, the invading Japanese army murdered over 200,000 and raped tens of thousands of Chinese. In the midst of this horror, a small group of Western expatriates banded together to save 250,000. Nanking shows the tremendous impact individuals can make on the course of history.
Thankfully, the clarity of the impressions the actors vocalize withstands the gimmickry.
– Mark Holcomb,
Time Out New York,
31 Jan 2008
Nanking is grim but ultimately uplifting, a reminder that even in dangerous times, brave individuals can hold the line against barbarism.
– Colin Covert,
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
31 Jan 2008
Nanking doesn't tell us why decency and compassion completely break down from time to time. It just tells us something terribly modern and all too familiar.
– Tom Keogh,
Seattle Times,
1 Feb 2008
Sheds light on particular wartime atrocities largely neglected in the collective memory.
– Sid Smith,
Chicago Tribune,
1 Feb 2008
The lesson here is not simply to vilify the Japanese soldiers of that era, but to make sure that we never forget who we are and what our country stands for today.