Based on the popular manga, this follows the adventures of two girls named Nana who depend on each other's help to realize their dreams. The two meet on a train to Tokyo, where Nana K. aims to reunite with her boyfriend and Nana O. hopes to make it big in the music business. Despite their differences, the pair hit it off and become roommates.
Despite the gritty urban setting, there are episodes of Gilmore Girls that have more 'edge.'
– David Chute,
L.A. Weekly,
20 Mar 2008
Harajuku lovers will get a kick out of Japanese box-office smash Nana, a very kawaii celebration of girl power based on a popular manga about two 20-year-olds who share the same first name.
– Stephen Garrett,
Time Out New York,
3 Apr 2008
A spoonful of fashion helps the feminism go down in Nana, a delightful pop fairy tale that speaks to young women in the language of sisterhood and self-direction.