When Champion City's hero Captain Amazing is kidnapped by the recently paroled supervillain Casanova Frankenstein, a trio of average, everyday superheroes -- Mr. Furious, the Shoveler and the Blue Raja -- assemble a new super team to save him.
Surprisingly, this spoof's heart is genuinely warm.
– Simon Houpt,
Globe and Mail,
22 Mar 2002
This bunch achieves peaks of sublime nuttiness.
– Bob Graham,
San Francisco Chronicle,
18 Jun 2002
Mystery Men is like its hapless heroes. It's a wannabe that has the best intentions -- including a pronounced anti-gun stance -- but none of the knack it takes to save the day, or itself.
– Steve Murray,
Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
21 Feb 2004
Usher's amiable spoof of superhero movies takes a brave stab at rewriting the mythology from the inside out, with lots of witty, mildly subversive stuff.
– Derek Adams,
Time Out,
24 Jun 2006
The characters have been designed to make fun of themselves, disguising the craft of writer Neil Cuthbert and director Kinka Usher in getting us to laugh at them.