Morvern Callar wakes on Christmas morning to discover that her troubled boyfriend has died by suicide, leaving behind the unpublished manuscript to his first novel and a sum of money intended to pay for his burial. Instead, Morvern attempts to use both to reinvent her life.
Maintains your sympathy for this otherwise challenging soul by letting you share her one-room world for a while.
– Geoff Pevere,
Toronto Star,
30 May 2003
With little dialogue to assist her -- just the strains of that wonderfully organic music -- [Morton] still manages to suggest the internal struggle, and to slowly reveal a fierce toughness that flies in the face of conventional morality.
– Rick Groen,
Globe and Mail,
30 May 2003
A film about youthful confusion made without a moment of artistic immaturity or indecision.
– Colin Covert,
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
5 Jun 2003
A mesmerizing conundrum of a suspended life in perpetual motion.
– Eleanor Ringel Gillespie,
Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
16 Jul 2003
Morton finds a wealth of nuance in anomie and neurasthenia.