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Monsters, Inc.
We Scare Because We Care.
We Scare Because We Care.
Animation, Comedy, Family - 2001
James Sullivan and Mike Wazowski are monsters, they earn their living scaring children and are the best in the business... even though they're more afraid of the children than they are of them. When a child accidentally enters their world, James and Mike suddenly find that kids are not to be afraid of and they uncover a conspiracy that could threaten all children across the world.
Monsters, Inc.
Finding Nemo
Nemo, an adventurous young clownfish, is unexpectedly taken from his Great Barrier Reef home to a dentist's office aquarium. It's up to his worrisome father Marlin and a friendly but forgetful fish Dory to bring Nemo home -- meeting vegetarian sharks, surfer dude turtles, hypnotic jellyfish, hungry seagulls, and more along the way.
Monsters, Inc.
How to Train Your Dragon
As the son of a Viking leader on the cusp of manhood, shy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III faces a rite of passage: he must kill a dragon to prove his warrior mettle. But after downing a feared dragon, he realizes that he no longer wants to destroy it, and instead befriends the beast – which he names Toothless – much to the chagrin of his...
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Monsters, Inc.
WALL·E is the last robot left on an Earth that has been overrun with garbage and all humans have fled to outer space. For 700 years he has continued to try and clean up the mess, but has developed some rather interesting human-like qualities. When a ship arrives with a sleek new type of robot, WALL·E thinks he's finally found a friend ...
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92 min
Release date:
1 Nov 2001
Won 1 Oscar. 15 wins & 38 nominations total

Top Critics Reviews

The movie itself stands up well, even from an adult, two-dimensional perspective.
– Rob Salem,
Toronto Star,
18 Dec 2012
If history is any guide, you and your family - whether young or old - will probably want to see "Monsters University" over and over.
– Elizabeth Weitzman,
New York Daily News,
18 Dec 2012
Most of the charm of "Monsters Inc." comes from its vocal cast.
– Stephen Whitty,
Newark Star-Ledger,
19 Dec 2012
It may be harder nowadays to dazzle audiences with fancy visual effects, but Monsters, Inc. 3D proves that smart, imaginative storytelling still does the trick every time.
– Stephan Lee,
Entertainment Weekly,
19 Dec 2012
It's in the visuals that 'Monsters Inc' comes to life, from the jazzy, Norman McLaren influenced opening to the hilarious, shakycam amateur-dramatic recap over the closing credits.
– Tom Huddleston,
Time Out,
15 Jan 2013
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