A senator arranges for his son, a rich white kid who fancies himself black, to be kidnapped by a couple of black actors pretending to be murderers to try and shock him out of his plans to become a rapper.
Maybe in a half-hour format, the idea would stand up. But in a feature film, B-Rad's schtick seems like a one-note song.
– Daphne Gordon,
Toronto Star,
18 Apr 2003
Think of a B-grade Bulworth with lesser talents than A-listers Warren Beatty and Halle Berry.
– Mike Clark,
USA Today,
18 Apr 2003
Wanted isn't quite the real Slim Shady of hip-hop comedies. But you might lose yourself in a few of its amusing moments.
– Jen Chaney,
Washington Post,
18 Apr 2003
Jamie Kennedy's B-Rad is based on a character from his TV show -- and as the centerpiece for a sketch, he's hilarious. But the B-Rad joke wears thin when stretched across a feature-length film.
– Richard Roeper,
Ebert & Roeper,
21 Apr 2003
Most Wanted isn't aiming for social commentary, but it isn't too difficult to enjoy its good-natured humor.