The story follows a married couple, apart for a night while the husband takes a business trip with a colleague to whom he's attracted. While he's resisting temptation, his wife encounters her past love.
Will Michael succumb and prove Joanna correct in her suspicions? Will Alex's French accent conquer all? Do you care? I didn't.
– Peter Rainer,
Christian Science Monitor,
6 May 2011
It's the sort of movie that thinks cutting between two different stories makes it art. Usually, it feels like an exercise in art. There's a lot of calisthenics but very little beauty or truth or whatever it is the movie is going for.
– Wesley Morris,
Boston Globe,
12 May 2011
Tadjedin banks on the power of telling, familiar moments, betting that viewers will recognize the heartache at the center of a fleeting expression or hurried action. For the most part, her gamble pays off.
– Stephanie Merry,
Washington Post,
13 May 2011
Forget about sex or adultery -- there isn't enough life in Last Night.
– Stephen Cole,
Globe and Mail,
27 May 2011
'Last Night' is an empty exercise in sheer self-regard, a tedious, lifeless trawl through the secret lives of the rich and beautiful.