Stewart Kane, an Irishman living in the Australian town of Jindabyne, is on a fishing trip in isolated hill country with three other men when they discover the body of a murdered girl in the river. Rather than return to the town immediately, they continue fishing and report their gruesome find days later. The story of a murder and a marriage - a film about the things that haunt us.
The seamless overall blend of involving domestic turmoil and haunted national self-questioning is quite some achievement.
– Trevor Johnston,
Time Out,
24 May 2007
Clearly, in his bid to repurpose Carver's story, Lawrence misses the writer's prevailing ethos: the sense of self-contained internal misery and that haunting quality of being hopelessly human.
– Desson Thomson,
Washington Post,
25 May 2007
The frustration here is that none of this leads anywhere. Perhaps that is the point, that some mysteries are never solved, but Jindabyne could give us a little more to work with.
– Bill Muller,
Arizona Republic,
7 Jun 2007
A fish tale worth telling and worth hearing.
– Roger Moore,
Orlando Sentinel,
8 Jun 2007
The movie's remaining revelations build slowly into a set of surprisingly powerful emotional beats.