A brother and sister driving home through an isolated countryside from college encounter a flesh-eating creature in the midst of its ritualistic eating spree.
The only mystery to Jeepers Creepers is why Francis Ford Coppola chose to stamp his name on this grade-Z movie as producer.
– Roger Moore,
Orlando Sentinel,
31 Aug 2001
Jeepers Creepers is better setting things up than following through. It must resort to psychic mumbo-jumbo that has to be played straight and doesn't work.
– Bob Graham,
San Francisco Chronicle,
31 Aug 2001
Feels too rote to inspire real terror.
– Moira MacDonald,
Seattle Times,
31 Aug 2001
The plotting is a tad generic, and the film feels long at a scant 90 minutes. But the movie is good enough to put a chill into the late-summer air.
– David Edelstein,
31 Aug 2001
If the reptile brain in you, that ugly little cluster of cerebral cells where all the destructive urges lie, needs a good jolt, Jeepers Creepers offers you just such a treat.