Anna, a young novitiate in 1960s Poland, is on the verge of taking her vows when she discovers a family secret dating back to the years of the German occupation.
In the end, Ida has to confront where she's come from, decide who she is and who she wants to be. Then again, don't we all?
– Tom Long,
Detroit News,
20 Jun 2014
Consider "Ida" the first offering in a summer celebrating Polish cinema and the latest masterpiece in a powerful tradition.
– Lisa Kennedy,
Denver Post,
27 Jun 2014
With her brassy, determined aunt, Ida sets off to find answers and discovers life beyond the convent walls in this leisurely but satisfying journey.
– Chris Nashawaty,
Entertainment Weekly,
5 Jan 2015
Nestled within its sins-of-the-elders narrative is a faintly charming cross-generational bonding picture, pairing a worldly cynic with a young girl taking her last gasp of secular air before giving her life to the Lord.
– A.A. Dowd,
AV Club,
5 Jan 2015
Now that Paweł Pawlikowski's haunting Polish film has been nominated for a foreign-language Oscar, Ida is back in the conversation. Let yourself be enveloped by a modern cinema classic.