As they celebrate their high school graduation, four friends are involved in a hit-and-run accident when their car hits and apparently kills a pedestrian on an isolated roadway. They dispose of the body and vow to keep the incident a secret, a year later somebody starts sending them letters bearing the warning "I Know What You Did Last Summer".
Remember all those terrible slasher flicks from the '80s? This could be one of them. It certainly ain't no Scream.
– Susan Stark,
Detroit News,
1 Jan 2000
The payoff is less effective. It involves several teen-scream modules, such as the $1.98 Startle Effect; the Hand on the Shoulder; and the Is He Dead Yet? gambit.
– Jeff Millar,
Houston Chronicle,
1 Jan 2000
fresh:, energetic and fairly scary.
– Kevin Thomas,
Los Angeles Times,
14 Feb 2001
A smart, sharply drawn genre film with a moral center and a solid cast.