Inspired by the true story of indomitable Kuki Gallmann, the film tells of a beautiful and inquisitive woman who had the courage to escape from her comfortable yet monotonous life in Italy to start anew in the African wilderness with her son, Emanuele, and her new husband, Paolo. Gallmann faces great danger there but eventually becomes a celebrated conservationist.
In the opening segment of I Dreamed Of Africa, Kim Basinger breaks her leg. The rest of the film is so dull, you can almost hear the bone heal.
– Keith Phipps,
AV Club,
23 Jul 2014
This film, based on a true story, transcends its handsomeness to present a subtle portrait of a woman's growing consciousness.
– Richard Schickel,
TIME Magazine,
23 Jul 2014
It's neither epic enough to fulfill a grand scope, nor intimate enough to be an overpowering emotional experience.
– Paul West,
Seattle Times,
23 Jul 2014
Basinger handles her role capably, but is absurdly miscast as an Italian, and French actor Perez fails to create credible chemistry with his co-star.
– Colin Covert,
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
23 Jul 2014
I Dreamed of Africa boasts the majestic landscapes and wildlife that explain why anyone would be spellbound by the place. But the story is fitfully episodic and the jerky editing doesn't help a bit.