Nominated for seven Israeli Academy Awards in 2008, the movie takes a completely apolitical look at the lives of its three main characters, focusing not on their differences but on how, in a way, they are trapped by their cultures.
– Rene Rodriguez,
Miami Herald,
15 Jan 2010
Israel seems to have its own form of prestige cinema, where tortured suicide bombers and rending intergenerational conflict signal what period costumes and booming accents might to American viewers.
– Michelle Orange,
Village Voice,
26 Jan 2010
Likable but insubstantial.
– Ronnie Scheib,
27 Jan 2010
For My Father is a rarity indeed: A sweet, sentimental movie about a suicide bomber.
– V.A. Musetto,
New York Post,
29 Jan 2010
Well-intentioned but philosophically timid, For My Father wants to meditate on the moral reshuffling that can accompany imminent death.