Gus Van Sant tells the story of a young African American man named Jamal who confronts his talents while living on the streets of the Bronx. He accidentally runs into an old writer named Forrester who discovers his passion for writing. With help from his new mentor Jamal receives a scholarship to a private school.
A rewarding exploration of the knotty and often contentious relationship between teacher and protege. Its chief pleasure is the master class in the art of acting delivered by Sean Connery.
– Desmond Ryan,
Philadelphia Inquirer,
11 Jan 2001
A rare find.
– Paul Clinton (,,
12 Jan 2001
Funny and touching.
– Peter Travers,
Rolling Stone,
6 Feb 2001
An anti-intellectual film about the intellectual life.
– Liam Lacey,
Globe and Mail,
19 Mar 2002
If director Gus Van Sant had always been a hack it wouldn't matter so much, but personally I find this form of licking the audience's cheeks like an obsequious puppy deeply offensive.