Fat Girls is an original off-beat comedy feature. It focuses on Rodney Miller, not your typical Texas high school student...he is a theater lover and his ultimate dream is to be on Broadway. Awkward and shy, he doesn't have many people to talk to in his small Texas town that understand him. He ends up finding what he was looking for in his theater teacher, Mr. Cox
Fat Girls is fully in the "quirky indie" mold, populated by frumpy characters who sport slack expressions and enthuse about silly life plans.
– Noel Murray,
AV Club,
1 Nov 2007
A modestly impressive debut -- especially considering that writer/director Ash Christian was 21 when he made it -- this poignant comedy will appeal to anyone who vividly remembers what it's like to be a high school outcast.
– Elizabeth Weitzman,
New York Daily News,
2 Nov 2007
Big-hearted and often quite funny if crudely made, Fat Girls cleverly subverts the cliches of high school comedies to serve an autobiographical story.