Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom...What they forgot is that every generation has its Rebel!
Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom...What th...
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Pro-intelligent design scholars and scientists are often chastised, fired or denied tenured positions by those who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution.
Expelled is a classic bait-and-switch, presenting itself as a plea for freedom in the scientific marketplace of ideas, while actually delivering a grossly unfair, contradictory, and ultimately repugnant attack on Darwinists.
– Steven Hyden,
AV Club,
24 Apr 2008
Embracing evolutionary theory will turn you into a close-minded, God-denying Nazi -- that's the upshot of this ludicrous propaganda piece.
– Reece Pendleton,
Chicago Reader,
25 Apr 2008
This film is an appallingly unscrupulous example of hack propaganda and it sucketh mightily. What's more, I didn't laugh once.
– Liam Lacey,
Globe and Mail,
27 Jun 2008
Don't expect any serious debate here about God and evolution. This documentary is like watching a paranoiac making fun of a hysteric.
– Philip Marchand,
Toronto Star,
27 Jun 2008
This film is cheerfully ignorant, manipulative, slanted, cherry-picks quotations, draws unwarranted conclusions, makes outrageous juxtapositions, segues between quotes that are not about the same thing, tells bald-faced lies, etc.