After settling in the tiny Australian town of Walkabout Creek with his significant other and his young son, Mick "Crocodile" Dundee is thrown for a loop when a prestigious Los Angeles newspaper offers his honey a job. The family migrates back to the United States, and Croc and son soon find themselves learning some lessons about American life -- many of them inadvertent
At this stage of the game, it's getting a little hard to present Dundee as a naif from the outback in the big city.
– Bob Graham,
San Francisco Chronicle,
20 Apr 2001
This new, slicked-up, Hollywood version of Dundee makes us wish he'd stayed home. Or maybe that we'd stayed home.
– Pam Sitt,
Seattle Times,
20 Apr 2001
Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles is a shrimp that should have been cooked more thoroughly on the barbie, or never tossed on in the first place.
– Peter Howell,
Toronto Star,
20 Apr 2001
When movies have degraded to the point that Tyson is acting more than Quentin Tarantino is directing, maybe it is time for an industry shutdown, strike-induced or otherwise.