Directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, a prolific and sui generis talent from Japan, this quietly creepy film contains a hint of politics and a wealth of shivers.
– Manohla Dargis,
New York Times,
11 Nov 2004
Pretty to look at, but it's a slow-moving, meandering work that isn't as complex or mysterious as it appears.
– Robert Dominguez,
New York Daily News,
12 Nov 2004
The most spellbinding aspect of Bright Future is that the surrealism sustains its own squiddish logic, concluding with one of the most breathtaking film finales of the year.
– Lisa Schwarzbaum,
Entertainment Weekly,
17 Nov 2004
The movie has a curious and cumulative power.
– Ty Burr,
Boston Globe,
14 Jan 2005
Gradually establishes a sense of foreboding that is hard to shake, though it's not without its darkly humorous moments.