"Breaking Point" is a dramatic tale of corruption and self-realization, in which one man has to overcome a deep-seated conspiracy and his own lingering past in order to gain the redemption he desires.
After a particularly brutal, attention-grabbing start, Breaking Point quickly devolves into a flavorless stew of murder, corruption, blackmail and baby tossing.
– Jeannette Catsoulis,
New York Times,
4 Dec 2009
Both visually and emotionally ugly from start to finish, this empty crime thriller doesn't have a moment that's genuinely worth watching.
– Elizabeth Weitzman,
New York Daily News,
4 Dec 2009
From its generic title to its overly familiar plot line to its B-list cast, Breaking Point has the feel of a late-night entry on Cinemax, which no doubt will be its fate sooner rather than later.