Landing in jail for a petty theft crime, Alvin finds himself sharing a cell with John Jaster, the incarcerated half of the pair of high-tech thieves responsible for the missing gold. His partner, Bristol, is still at large. Alvin wants only to get out of prison and start fresh with his girlfriend, Lisa, and when the Feds, led by U.S. Treasury investigator Clenteen, set him loose on a sketchy deal, he thinks his luck has changed. Alvin has his freedom and the Feds have found their bait.
Ultimately, it's Foxx's insistence on filling any dead air with wisecracks that spoils Bait.
– John Monaghan,
Detroit Free Press,
1 Jan 2000
Fuqua has enveloped the luckless Jamie Foxx ... in a stylishly inept mess of a movie; a film as badly flawed in concept as it is incoherent in execution.
– Roger Moore,
Orlando Sentinel,
1 Jan 2000
If the movies that make 'best lists' are filet mignon, the culinary comparison here probably is bait.
– Mike Clark,
USA Today,
1 Jan 2000
It piles one ludicrous plot twist atop another and bothers not a whit with logic.
– Christopher Kelly,
Fort Worth Star-Telegram/,
1 Jan 2000
Despite its genre trappings, Bait is an entertaining and occasionally clever picture with a crackling peformance by Jamie Foxx.