After Drew Dixon, an upright young man, is sent west by his religious family to avoid being drafted into the Civil War, he drifts across the land with a loose confederation of young vagrants.
The movie is built as a series of more-or-less self-contained episodes, and the episodes that work are worth the effort.
– Roger Ebert,
Chicago Sun-Times,
23 Oct 2004
A naturalistic, irreverent and sometimes broadly comic view of a largely ignored aspect of the Civil War gives Bad Company a refreshingly good name.
– Roger Greenspun,
New York Times,
21 May 2005
Benton's first film, a Western good enough to make everything he has done since seem disappointing by comparison.
– Tom Milne,
Time Out,
26 Jan 2006
Bad Company is an excellent film which combines wry humor and gritty action with in-depth characterizations of two youths on the lam in the Civil War west.