This animated adventure spins a more optimistic twist on the long-mythicized story of the "lost daughter" of Russia's last czar. A wicked sorcerer places a curse on the Romanov family, and Anastasia is separated from them during their attempts to escape from a rowdy revolt seizing their palace. Years later, after growing up with amnesia in an orphanage, "Anya" encounters two Russian men seeking a reward offered by the Dowager Empress Marie, for the return of her missing granddaughter. They decide to travel together to visit the Empress in Paris. Will Anya finally be reunited with her remaining family and find a loving home at last?
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 10 wins & 23 nominations total
Top Critics Reviews
Judging from their voices, about as close to Europe as most of these characters have ever gotten is probably Fresno.
– Stephen Holden,
New York Times,
1 Jan 2000
Any film that echoes the landscape of Doctor Zhivago is hard to dislike for too long.
– Kenneth Turan,
Los Angeles Times,
14 Feb 2001
A gorgeous piece of work.
– Peter Stack,
San Francisco Chronicle,
18 Jun 2002
Bluth has rediscovered the ingredients of quality mainstream animation...
– Geoff Andrew,
Time Out,
9 Feb 2006
An ambitious, serious but not particularly stimulating musical feature that unconvincingly attempts to graft warm and cuddly family-film motifs onto turbulent aspects of modern history and mythology.