Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a remarkably talented young Viennese composer who unwittingly finds a fierce rival in the disciplined and determined Antonio Salieri. Resenting Mozart for both his hedonistic lifestyle and his undeniable talent, the highly religious Salieri is gradually consumed by his jealousy and becomes obsessed with Mozart's downfall, leading to a devious scheme that has dire consequences for both men.
On a production level and as an evocation of a time and place, Amadeus is loaded with pleasures.
– Todd McCarthy,
19 Feb 2008
A grand movie entertainment.
– Richard Corliss,
TIME Magazine,
19 Feb 2013
The subject of artistic creation is typically handled badly in the movies.... [Amadeus] treats the subject of creativity in a fresh way.
– Gene Siskel,
Chicago Tribune,
20 Feb 2013
Forman's tormented, iconoclastic subjects are often pitted against iconic or impersonal antagonists, but Amadeus' conflict remains rivetingly intimate, in spite of its sumptuous, larger-than-life settings.
– Tasha Robinson,
AV Club,
4 Feb 2014
The performance of Abraham, who won the Best Actor Oscar for it, is monumental, and so is Forman's direction.