A Southern California kid named Calvin Fuller is magically transported to the medieval kingdom of Camelot through a crack in the ground caused by an earthquake. Once there, he learns he was summoned by the wizard Merlin, who needs Calvin to save Camelot. Using dazzling modern inventions, can Calvin help King Arthur retain his crown and thwart the evil Lord Belasco?
The ragtag adaptation by Michael Part and Robert Levy is familiar fodder run through a blender too high and too fast.
– Leonard Klady,
26 Mar 2009
It's a missed opportunity for introducing the Mortal Kombat generation to medieval combat that was really mortal.
– Carrie Rickey,
Philadelphia Inquirer,
22 May 2013
It is numbingly bland, homogenized and deflated by an utter lack of original wit or charm. Worst of all, it is subtly but conspicuously condescending to its target audience.
– Jeff Shannon,
Seattle Times,
22 May 2013
Sitting through it, I found myself shuddering at what Disney may have in store for next summer.